
When you’re just too socially awkward for real life, a blog welcomes you with open arms.

Hey, I am Erwin Lejeune (a.k.a. @rangonomics, @wardn). I am a Robotics Engineer by degree, but I consider myself a Software Engineer at the core and have not limited myself to Robotics and its transversal fields. I have deployed web apps for blockchain analytics, trading (don’t use it) bots, investment analytics apps, web3 and many more projects.

In the past, I have led the development of Serena’s Autonomous Navigation (ROS2, C++) stack at Coalescent Mobile Robotics, worked at Hiventive both as a Back-End Software Engineer (Go, PostgreSQL) and as a Embedded Software Engineer (C++, C).

I have also been part of the Real Time Systems research team at LS2N for AI Planning, in which I have developed pymapf (Multi-Agents Pathfinding Toolbox) and pyddl (PDDL Parser/Planner).

I have interned at Ingeniarius, where I have worked on STOP, SAFE and SEMFIRE.

I completed my BSc. in Electronics from Nantes Université, followed by a Master’s in Embedded Systems at Bordeaux Ynov Campus. I then transfered for a Control and Robotics Master’s at Ecole Centrale Nantes, a top 5 graduate school in the country.

I now started the process of learning Blockchain Technology as well as their web integrations with web3.

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